
Monday 21 May 2012

Arugula-Quinoa Salad- Back to Health Monday!

I am always looking for new healthy salad recipes, especially those that use ingredients I already have in the refrigerator. This recipe started with my idea to use wheat berries, but, I didn't have time for the 10-18 hours of soaking. So, easy for me, I used my fancy, smancy colorful quinoa, I bought at Whole Foods in the bulk section. I see a recipe as more of a guideline and not a code. Usually, if you like the ingredients, you will like the outcome!


Salad Ingredients:

Arugula- use which ever green you would like, or none!
1 C. Quinoa- I used the tri color, but use what ever you have
3/4 C. Green beans
1/2 C. Corn
1/2 C. Golden Beets
2 T. Chives
1/2 C. Gorgonzola- or blue cheese, feta or cheddar

Dressing:Whisk together-
1/3 C. Sherry vinegar-Champayne vinegar, Rice vinegar
1/2 C. Walnut Oil- grapeseed oil, olive oil
Salt and Pepper

Cook the Quinoa in your rice cooker, same as rice, 1 cup Quinoa to 2 cups water. I make 2 cups to 4 cups water, then freeze the Quinoa in 1 cup increments for future use. Refrigerate the portion you are making for this salad.

Cook the green beans, corn and golden beets, refrigerate.

Assembly: Toss together the Quinoa, corn, green beans and golden beets with 1/3 of the dressing.

Dress the Arugula separate. Layer first the arugula on the plate, then top with the Quinoa mixture and sprinkle the Gorgonzola on top. 


Alex, wrote in from the South of France and asked me if I could duplicate an Orange Julius and make it figure friendly. She wanted to make this American drink , she enjoyed while going to school here in the US. WOW! I thought about it, and researched the internet. Experimented with some different ideas and came up with this, figure friendlier version. Orange Julius is so amazingly delicious...…it tastes like a melted orange Creamsicle – YUM. I am thrilled at how tasty this turned out! Whether you’ve ever had an Orange Julius or not, this smoothie recipe makes an ideal summer drink, that will have everyone’s taste buds going crazy.

Figure Friendly Orange Julius


  • 1 ¼ cups freshly squeezed orange juice (about 5 medium sized oranges)
  • 1/2 cup fat free milk
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 8 ice cubes


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth. If Orange Julius is too runny, add more ice and puree again until drink is desired texture.

Reduced fat, recipe makes 2 servings
Serving size is about 1 ½ cups
150 calories

*For a quick pick me up, that is figure friendly, lactose and dairy free try mixing Almond milk and orange juice. It is delicious!


A SMART Mom! My granddaughter Julia, is in swim lessons! Her Mom has been taking her since just before her 6 month Birthday.  She loves the swimming pool, and visits her Grandparents, who ALL have a pool or water near by. This is a VERY responsible choice to make for your child. Isn't she adorable!! We bought her this pool float on Amazon, with a shade cover!! It has a little seat and lots of attached toys to stimulate her. She loves it! Actually, so does Grandma......wonder if they make this in the adult version?


  1. Replies
    1. Being a Grandparent is!! I went swimming with her today, she laughs and giggles. Tonight out to dinner, everyone thinks shes the Gerber model baby, she is so good!! Laura is thoroughly calm Mommy. so cute!! :-) The salad is killer, I am making it tomorrow with the wheat berry for the dog park crew, coming for dinner:-0


  2. I cannot wait to try this salad tomorrow!
    Julia and I are having a ball spending time with you here in AZ. She is so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents. It's so much fun to watch her interact so happily with you. I love it!

    1. We are loving having you! And having so much fun! Her new name "Angel Baby"!!


Please leave a suggestion or comment for me! I would love to respond to it!