
Monday 11 June 2012

Peanut Butter Smoothie and Dark Chocolate Shortbread!

 Peanut Butter Smoothie

This smoothie is one of my favorites! If you like peanut butter, this one is for you! It has just the right amount of banana, peanut butter and creamy goodness!

1 c. natural peanut butter
1/2 banana
1 scoop peanut butter or vanilla protein powder
1 c. almond milk
1/2 c. ice cubes

Mix together in blender, for a delicious protein filled smoothie. Cheers!

*Banana Tip  

We've all had over ripe banana's sitting as a B&B for the fruit flies...... I don't know about you, but, when I go to the grocery, the banana's are green. I take them home, and what seems like over night, they are over ripe!! Now what!! Option 1- Make another loaf of banana bread for the family, good for the kids (in moderation and with limited added sugar) but, does hubby really need it? Do I really need it? Take a look in the mirror..........YIKES!!!!! Summer is on it's way and we want to go boating in that new swim suit!! (Not that I don't like a good banana bread, but how many banana breads can we pack on the thigh!!) Healthier Option 2- Peel the banana, cut in half, throw them in a freezer bag and freeze them!! When you need one for your smoothie, whaa Laa! It will chill your smoothie and make it thicker!! Now that's a healthy use of your over ripe banana's! And, when you have a smoothie craving, you are never out of banana's!! yaahooo!

This is a recipe I created while on a special diet about 6 or 7 years ago. I was trying to figure out foods, that my body liked. Some theories are, that everyone's body reacts differently to foods, that certain foods make us gain weight, or not feel well. You start with a blood test, then with that result you start with a very limited list of foods. Each day that you have a positive reaction, you can add another food the next day. I know, it sounds a little wacky, but, a lot of professional athletes are on this life style diet, and have lost pounds, inches, feel stronger and have more energy. I created a sweet treat for myself, on this lifestyle diet. It is a recipe I created using foods that agree with my body, and that I can lose weight eating. My recipe was published on the Sari Melman website, I believe this theory, but, I can tell you, I was not happy with my test, results. Red wine, tested to not agree with my body.

I had much success with the life plan, and have maintained a healthy weight. I allow my self 5 pounds, then cut it back. So, yes, I still drink nice, red wines with dinner!!

Joan's Dark Chocolate Shortbread

Makes 16 cookies

1 cube unsalted organic butter (1/2 cup)
1/4 c. granulated sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp salt
3/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/4 c. unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder

 Blend butter, sugar, vanilla and salt in a bowl with a fork until combined well.

Sift flour and cocoa into butter mixture and blend with fork, just until mixture forms a soft dough.

Divide the dough in half and pat out with finger tips into 2 (6-6 1/2") rounds on a non greased large baking sheet.

 Chill dough, uncovered until firm, about thirty minutes.

 Preheat oven to 375 F while dough chills.

Prick dough all over with fork and bake shortbreads in middle of oven until centers are dry to the touch and edges are slightly darker, about 15 minutes. Cool on baking sheet, then cut into 8 wedges.

 The short breads, so delicate and yum, yum yummy!! Enjoy!


Strike a pose!! We are always having fun, when the family gets together. Weekend festivities included, a fiesta at Holly and Nate's home. Holly made hand made tortilla's, they were yummy!! Pictured from left, My 92 year old Mom, Nate Dogg(my son in law) Holly(my daughter), Wee Bear, JJ(me), Mike(Nate Dogg's Dad), and Diane(Nate Dogg's Mom).
Almost here - HIKE WEEK!! For safety reasons, please privately e-mail Holly or me,  we will give you the details each day of hike week. We will be conducting zumba (cha cha cha), yoga and ball/mat pilates and then hiking various trails in the PNW. We will then, relax with a therapeutic massage each day. We will push ourselves a little more each day, with the challenge day hike being the final day! June 16 is the first day, join in on one or more days! What do you want that BUTT to look like???!!!

               You Rock!! Enjoy the week!  JJ


  1. Glad to see the shortbreads made it to the blog! Can't wait to try one for myself... :-)

    1. I will make a batch for hike week!! As we talked, I will make lunch for the first day. Get your taste buds ready for Quinoa salad(Flat Iron Grill style, May 21st blog) and Joan's Dark Chocolate Shortbread! We won't be feeling deprived!!


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