
Monday 11 September 2017

Instant Pot Baby Back Ribs

These ribs are so tender and don't even need teeth to eat these!! The "Instant Pot" ribs are the game changer! I thought my boiling them for 2 hours was awesome, however, I often wondered if I was boiling the nutrition right out of them! I was a bit skeptical that these IP ribs would be as tender..... no worries folks, these are fall off the bone tender!!

My method was simple, water and ribs in the IP, finish on the outdoor grill with your favorite BBQ sauce. I used the family recipe, which, sorry children say it's the one recipe I cannot write out on the is my 97 year old Mother's recipe and has been in the family for 40+ years. I will tell you this, it is a sweet BBQ sauce with just a bit of tang to it! I have edited this post and added a recipe which game from "Delish" that is very close to our family recipe. Please find this a

The purpose of this blog is really to give you the timing, liquid and place of ribs for the instant pot, and you can use your favorite rub or BBQ sauce. If using a rub, put the rub on before cooking in the IP.

1 large rack of baby back ribs
1 1/2 c ginger ale, (you may use apple cider, water or Dr. Pepper)

Remove the membrane from the back of the rib if you chose to. In this picture, you can see I didn't, it does not make a big difference in tenderness, but, is a nice touch for you and your guests. Place the rack in the bottom of the IP, put the liquid in.

Secure the lid and put the vent to close.

Press the meat button and timer to 30 minutes. When done, do a natural release for 10 minutes and a quick release the rest of the way. Explanation of QR and NR can be found on this link! On this link, you can also find the water test and my favorite accessories to use with the Instant Pot. 

Next, put onto the grill and slather on the BBQ sauce!

 Look at these delicious tender ribs, getting a little burn on! YUMMY!!!

 Delish BBQ Sauce

1 1/2 c. ketchup
1 c. light brown sugar
1/2 c water
1/4 c apple cider vinegar
1 T Worcestershire sauce 
1 T molasses
1 tsp. kosher salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp ground mustard
1/4 tsp paprika
  1. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, whisk all ingredients until combined.
  2. Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until thick, about 1 hour.
  3. Let cool to room temperature and store in an airtight container.

I made these delicious ribs for a "Seahawk game" with our son and daughter-in-law. They got a night out without their darling children, my grand children and spent that night with us! I made my son's favorite! Amy has since bought a instant pot and is using regularly!

For other delicious recipes, instant pot water test, beginner tips and tools (listed with the water test post), go to Master Recipe List. I will continue to post tried and true recipes! Choose to follow to be alerted when I post a new blog.


  1. I made some a couple weeks ago, different guideline. Too done. I will try this method. Thanks ! Gerry W

    1. Hi Gerry! This was fall off the bone tender and not too done! Try this timing, and feel free to use any liquid, I'm going to use Dr. Pepper next time. Thanks for commenting. Cheers! JJ

  2. If you are not willing to share a recipe maybe you should not post anything showing ribs. Maybe your Mom would want to share the recipe. That's OK my ribs are probably better than yours. If you had shared the recipe I would have left my name. By the way I don't need your recipe so keep it hidden forever.

    1. Hi! I am so sorry you were offended by my absence of the family recipe. I am certain your recipe is a great one for your family.The purpose of this blog is really to give you the timing, liquid and place of ribs for the instant pot, and you can use your favorite rub or BBQ sauce. Cheers! JJ

    2. Hi! I have updated my blog post to include a recipe I found that is very close to our family recipe! I hope you can try it! Cheers! JJ

  3. Love this fall off the bone technique! I take the membrane off and my husband thinks it makes them even more tender. I'm not sure on that. We have a family recipe too, it is southern, I am not allowed to give it out per grandmas order. I totally understand. thanks for posting, love your blog! Delia

    1. Delia, thanks for commenting! That's a good tip. I did take the membrane off last time after reading your comment! It is a little nicer for guests not to deal with it! thanks! Cheers! JJ

  4. What a terrific method of making ribs. My wife got the instant pot, and tried this last night with our family recipe BBQ sauce (BTW she said she totally understand the family secret thing), they were melt in the mouth good. She tried this on me and the kids first. Saturday she is making 12lbs of ribs for the Superbowl(Patriots fans)Thank you for sharing this method, Jerry


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