
Wednesday 15 December 2021

Gorgonzola and Medjool date Scones


 Something new to have with wine or a'll thank me!

 These scones are packed with dates and just the right amount of gorgonzola cheese that melds into the flaky, buttery layers.

I made these to give as a gift to a few friends. They have high reviews!


Gorgonzola and Date Scone

3 cup all purpose flour

1 T baking powder

1 T sugar

1/2 tsp. Kosher salt

1/4 tsp freshly ground nutmeg

1 large egg

1 tsp vanilla

3/4 c. cold unsalted butter, grated

8 Medjool  dates, pitted and roughly chopped 

4 ounces Gorgonzola, crumbled

Before baking-

Brush with cream

Sprinkle top with  salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400 F degrees

In a medium bowl blend together the dry ingredients; flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and nutmeg. Add the grated butter and coat the gratings.

Combine the wet ingredients; egg, vanilla and 3/4 cup cream. Whisk together and add dates and Gorgonzola, mixing carefully.

Stir in the dry ingredients and mix until it comes together. At this point you can knead it with your hands to bring it together.

 Dump the dough onto plastic wrap and flatten to about 3/4".  Cut the dough in half the half again. Place one quarter on top of another, then flatten again to about 1 1/2". 

At this point you can cut into triangles or cut with a biscuit cutter. 

 You will have about 16 small scones. Perfect for a cocktail party or with your tea!

Brush scones with cream and sprinkle with pepper and salt.

Refrigerate for 20 minutes. 

Bake for 16-18 minutes, until golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack.

I like to serve with organic dark agave, honey, clotted cream or jam.


* If you do not like Gorgonzola, you can use Cheddar.

Have a wonderful holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. I'm making this today! My mate will love it! Thanks!!


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